If you’re wondering how much LASIK eye surgery costs, or have any other questions about the financial side of vision correction procedures… then you’re at the right place.

Millions of people around the world have had LASIK. An added benefit is years of savings on contact lenses, glasses, and eye exams. In fact, one of the most common things people who have LASIK say is: “I wish I did it sooner.” 

Using our vast network of LASIK specialists, we’re delighted to bring you the most comprehensive article on the internet on the topic of “LASIK Eye Surgery Cost”.

How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost?

Based on polling of high-quality, reputable LASIK practices across the country, in 2024 the average cost of LASIK is approximately $3,000-$4,250 per eye. 

This price may vary based on a number of factors, however, in our analysis we only included surgeons who have:

  • minimum of 5 years experience after residency or fellowship training and perform    
  • are not “fly-in, fly-out” surgeons (more on this later)
  • have modern technology (more on this later)

In the next section we’ll get into more detail about the factors that can impact price.

How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost

What Factors Affect The Cost of LASIK?

You’re probably wondering why the price of LASIK at some practices differs from the price at other practices.

There’s a common saying that applies to most things you can buy: “You get what you pay for.”

LASIK and other vision correction procedures have advanced tremendously over the past 30 years. Some practices choose to stay up-to-date and deliver a higher level of service than others. 

Some of the important factors we’ll discuss:  

  • Level of Service
  • Technology
  • “Fly In, Fly Out Surgeons”
  • Geographical Location
What Factors Affect The Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery

Level of Service

A high level of service is generally desirable in any medical practice. This refers to how they handle the many touchpoints or steps through the process of correcting your vision.

These steps include things like answering the phones, accommodating your scheduling needs, giving you time in the office to ask questions, clearly communicating the pricing & financing details, and so much more. 

You don’t want to feel rushed, or like “just a number”. Moreover, after your procedure, you want to be confident that they will be available in case you need them. There will be routine follow-up visits. But you want to know if something comes up they will be available to you.

A high level of service is critical to a good outcome, and separates the best practices from those that make patients feel like just another number. 


LASIK technology has advanced tremendously over the past 20-30 years.

What year was your cell phone designed? Would you ever consider using a 20 year old cell phone?

Modern LASIK technology has made it safer and better than ever before at getting patients perfect 20/20 vision… or even better! Having modern technology also speaks to the overall quality of the practice and dedication to their patients.

As you can imagine… it would be much more lucrative for a practice to continue using an old laser, and charging the same price, rather than upgrading to a new laser.

A new laser can cost a practice well over a million dollars. Practices that truly specialize in LASIK and whose reputation relies on the best outcomes for their patients can justify this expense. On the other hand, practices that are not as focused on LASIK or are looking to cut corners may choose not to upgrade as often.

“Fly In, Fly Out Surgeons”

Maybe on Monday your surgeon is in New York… Tuesday in Boston… then Philadelphia… and so on.

Your surgeon should be accessible to you. This is so important.

Fortunately, serious complications are rare and often are easily treatable. However, if your surgeon isn’t available to do basic things because they’re hundreds of miles away, it can delay your treatment, and put your vision at risk. 

Let us be clear… optometrists do a lot of the pre-operative evaluations & routine post-operative visits. This is normal. 

However, there are things that optometrists are not allowed to do, that only a surgeon can do. 

You need to have access to your surgeon… just in case. 

Best LASIK surgeons meeting

Geographical Location

In high cost-of-living areas (think major cities) many of the costs of doing business are higher for these practices. The result can be higher prices.

If these practices pay higher prices for their office space and staff, this will likely be reflected in higher prices.  

What’s Included in the Cost of LASIK

How your LASIK package is structured may vary from practice to practice. However, the cost of LASIK typically includes:

  • Initial Exam & Consultation
  • Screening Technology
  • The Procedure
  • Follow-up Care
Initial Exam & Consultation

Initial Exam & Consultation

At your initial consultation, you will have an examination and discuss your vision goals and lifestyle. 

There are individual factors that need to be taken into account, such as your age and activities. Everyone from professional athletes, to rock stars, to CEO’s and business leaders have had LASIK and other vision correction procedures. This is the time to discuss your unique factors, and whether LASIK, EVO ICL, or Custom Lens Replacement is right for you.

Screening Technology

Safety first! The technology used for screening has advanced tremendously over the past 20 years. Doctors are better than ever at determining who is a good candidate for LASIK, and who might be better off considering another procedure, or none at all. 

The good news is that most patients are eligible for at least one type of vision correction procedure. 

The Procedure

Of course, the procedure itself is included in the cost. Not much needs to be said about this!

Follow-up Care

Follow-up care is typically included in the price of your procedure. This may include 6 months to one year of follow-up visits. How often the follow-up visits are depends on a number of factors, including doctor preferences. 

A common follow-up visit schedule might include appointments at 1 day, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year after your procedure. 

How Does the Cost of LASIK Compare to Contacts & Glasses?

Glasses and contact lenses have recurring costs. The price of glasses includes the cost of the prescription and the frames. If you change your glasses approximately every two years, and opt for non-generic designer frames, the costs can add up significantly over time. 

Contact lenses incur continuous expenses, with annual costs varying depending on the type of lenses used. For instance, daily disposable lenses can be on the higher end of the cost spectrum. 

With inflation, the cost of daily disposable contact lenses is estimated to be over $20,000 over the next 20 years.

LASIK surgery is often viewed as having a higher upfront cost but can be a more cost-effective solution in the long run. 

How Does the Cost of LASIK Compare to Contacts & Glasses?

Does Insurance Cover LASIK?

There are different types of insurance. Most medical insurance plans do not cover glasses, contact lenses, or vision correction procedures, like LASIK.

Vision insurance plans might cover a portion of LASIK. Some vision insurance plans had deals with the glasses and contact lens industry, and may have an interest in keeping patients in glasses and contact lenses for the long term. These plans typically do not contribute towards LASIK.

With any type of insurance, it’s important to know the details of your own plan. There are many plans out there and they change frequently.

Are There Financing Options For LASIK

Are There Financing Options For LASIK?

Yes. There are Financing Options for LASIK. Almost all LASIK practices have financing options. This can bring the up-front cost of LASIK down considerably.

Can I Use My Health Savings Accounts (HSA) For LASIK?

Yes. You can use your Health Savings Account (HSA) for LASIK and other vision correction procedures. 

LASIK and other vision correction procedures are considered eligible expenses for HSA’s.

Can I use my Flexible Savings Account (FSA) for LASIK?

Yes. You can use your Flexible Savings Account (FSA) for LASIK and other vision correction procedures. 

LASIK and other vision correction procedures are considered eligible expenses for FSA’s.

How Does the Cost of LASIK Compare to Other Vision Correction Procedures?

Most laser vision correction procedures are priced similarly. Laser vision correction procedures include LASIK, PRK (also known as surface ablation), and SMILE. 

Individual practices may vary their prices. These procedures may all be priced the same, or may have modest differences.

EVO ICL tends to typically cost more than LASIK. EVO ICL requires an operating room because the EVO ICL is implanted inside the eye, whereas LASIK does not operate inside the eye. These added operating room expenses make the EVO ICL price higher.

Similarly, Custom Lens Replacement also typically costs more than LASIK. Custom Lens Replacement requires an operating room, and those additional expenses drive the price higher compared to LASIK. 

How Does the Cost of LASIK Compare to Other Vision Correction Procedures

Is Cheap LASIK worth it?

In the past, LASIK “Discount Chains” used deceptive marketing practices. These were “bait and switch” tactics in which patients were made to think they could have LASIK at a steep discount “if they qualified”. 

Surprise, surprise… Almost no patients qualified. These patients were then offered LASIK at a much higher price.

Many of the “LASIK chains” have gone through bankruptcy and other legal challenges over the years.

In general, there’s a common saying which is “you get what you pay for”. When it comes to LASIK eye surgery cost, we recommend focusing on high quality. 

LASIK is something you want to have only once. Get it done right. 

How to Find the Best LASIK Surgeon for You

How to Find the Best LASIK Surgeon for You

One great way to find a LASIK surgeon is to browse our Directory. Surgeons in our Directory support our mission of providing the public with high-quality & trustworthy educational content about vision correction.

Moreover, we recommend educating yourself about your vision correction options. While LASIK is great, it is not the best option for everyone. 

For many patients EVO ICL, PRK, or Custom Lens Replacement may be much better options than LASIK. 

We recommend looking for a LASIK surgeon who has expertise in all of these procedures. That will give you the best chance to have an expert guide you towards the best procedure for your eyes and lifestyle. 

Is LASIK Worth the Investment?

For most patients LASIK improves their vision and quality of life. Moreover, because LASIK eye surgery costs less than contact lenses and glasses in the long run, it also can save them thousands of dollars.  

However, every patient is different, and LASIK is not the best option for everyone. Consulting with experienced doctors to have the best vision correction option for your eyes gives you the best chance of achieving a great return on investment.